Saturday, August 21, 2010

Butterfly Kisses

Yesterday, February 27, we celebrated Miss Cambree Jane's 4th birthday with an over-the-top party with Butterflies as the theme.. This little girl love Butterflies. She has them on her wall in her bedroom and on a quilt that was made first by my Grandma Nina, then made into squares by me, and finally quilted and bound by her paternal Grandma Betty..a true legacy of a quilt...She even wore jeans with bling and butterflies with a t-shirt covered with the winged beauties...She had an adorable Butterfly cake, pink and purple 'just like i told mom i wanted', pink lemonade, pink punch, (we slurped it up with straws that had butterflies on them) cupcakes, deviled eggs, little smokies cooked in bacon, cheese and crackers ( Nabisco cooperated and made crackers for spring with butterflies on them), cucumber sandwhiches (that looked like little flowers), tortilla roll-ups and ice cream.....when it's your birthday you can help with the menu planning.. no questions asked !!Friends from Oklahoma and Ashland and Coldwater and of course all of her grandparents were in attendance.. Lot's of laughter, eating, babies crying, moms helping moms, trading tips and stories and a TON of photos...Cambree's mom does so much for each birthday at their house so that each one is truly memorable. Memories are made that will last for a lifetime. This is a treasure!!Cambree Jane, she has my mom's middle name, is the only girl, a daddy's girl, a prissy tomboy, pink boots, Preston's old boots, clicky sunday school shoes, filthy flip flops or the cutest little barefeet, strong willed, athletic, competitive, killer eyes, impossible to manage hair... our little bundle of joy!!!So We Celebrate her special day by surrounding her with love...and Butterflies.Happy Birthday Cambree

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