Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Cup Runneth OVER!

On this day of National Traditional Day of Giving Thanks...I too pause and take inventory of the just HOW much I have to be thankful for...

In random order

The two people on earth that call me MOM.
3 precious kids that call me Grandma Robin.
1 Handsome Hubby, that adores me...MOST of the time.
Coca Cola...straight up...ICE cold.
warm fluffy socks.
Electric Blanky on HIGH ( till march or april )
A place of employment that provides health insurance.
the fact that I am employed in this economy.
My good health.
Hubbies fairly good health.
Eye doctors. Several choices of corrective eyewear... I am not going blind -- ugly!!
A mom that loved and taught me so much that is practical in such small ways that make my world go around..
The Good Lord and his amazing patience with me.
Antiques, REading, sewing, flowers, junk, fabric, dishes ( eww that all sounds so material)..I love it all for now...I know my treasures are truly in heaven...
my church family...
MY Bible ( that if full of extra stuff and written in and underlined and wearing out on the edges...Pink and I know where to find what I am looking for in it...)
Coldwater.... and the fact that I KNOW nearly everyone....and something about everyone that 'connects' me to them...I know handwriting ( or the lack of good penmanship in 3 counties) MY place to call home.
An elderly man that kept our parks in tip top shape till his health no longer allows it...simply because he loved for the parks to look nice for people to use....
I love that 'traffic' slows nearly to a crawl behind a mentally challenged boy that rides a bike to and from work...we all don't want him to get hurt,, we wait and drive slower....
I love it that 2 men in town remove their hats EVERY single time they enter a building....
I love to hear my hubby SAY my name or call me by MY name...It doesn't happen very often..
I am thankful that my Grandkids have 3 papa's and they don't know one of them is not blood relation at all....
Eternally thankful for all things current: running water, electricity, sewer, gas service, autos and grocery stores.....
I am very thankful for my friends that can cry with me...and we are ok with that...I am thankful to share their burdens and pray daily for them....

Of course I could go on and on and on....

I am guilty of taking all of this for granted every single day...
I get grumpy, tired, frustrated, lonely, mad, sad, happy, sleepy, hungry, I am VERY human in my daily business of life....

I know better....God does not take to us not appreciating what he has blessed us with and I am a firm believer in being a good steward....

So having said all of that on the FULLEST belly of some of the best darn food in the county...

I say thank YOU for being a part of my life....

Blessed my you my loves....My quiver is full indeed!


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

MY time is up.

Why do we live all year for our annual vacation time away from the daily grind of the job we are all supposed to be so thankful to have....hmmm I do not have an answer for that.. BUTTTT I do have a few thoughts on it....

We spend SO much time with our co-workers...more than with our families...we get caught up in their drama, struggles, moods, delights, kids, grand kids, activities, religious beliefs, you name it...we can not escape times this wears me out and drives me to the brink of exhaustion and very near depression.....

In a small town, you can NOT help but know STUFF about people....I have often said IF i did not KNOW so much about people it would be easier to like them.

Sometimes in the work-place ALL is not FAIR...much like life....

So much of WHO we are and what people expect of us is SOOO wrapped up in our actions and decisions made while on the job....Am I worthy, smart, pretty, capable, patient etc etc... enough for all the demands that are made of me on a daily basis....

Working for the public, you are exposed to the best and the worst of people, they smell, they cough on you, they don't clean their fingernails, they talk on the dreaded cell phone while conducting their business without EVER really speaking to YOU, they tell you all their medical problems, their joys and their fears....sometimes it simply is T M I I tell ya...

Men are way OVER-PAID and WOMEN do ALL the 'running' of nearly every business....yet Good Ole boys seem to rule....and Old MEN are GRUMPIER than old they are just grodie....

Some of us work to simply be able to afford Health Insurance....

Some of us have more than one job...some have spouses that have lost a job, or can't maintain employment, or work ALL. THE. TIME.

I wish I did not HAVE to go to work...I am never bored.... I have too many interests...but since most of them involve money in one form or another....I guess I will continue living for these few short days of complete bliss and quiet and reading, and praying, and sitting on the deck, not setting the alarm clock that has been flashing for over a week, I wake up at 5 every morning anyway, not cooking, cleaning my treasures, playing in the dirt, generally avoiding all public appearances, just being thankful for ALLL that I am truly blessed with..playing with grandkids, put on a Happy Face and Get myself back to work bright and early in the morning....

The GOOD NEWS...I still have 5 more days of vacation left....My one EXTRA benefit f working someplace going on 19 yrs....I EARN 3 weeks of paid vacation....WaHOOOO


I am working on the attitude....of being grateful for my is a struggle more now than it EVER has been....

So for right now I am going to CHERISH deep in my soul the next few hours.....

How may I help You????

Saturday, June 18, 2011

We call him Papa

Father's Day is upon us....A Day to be thankful for the men in our lives....

Just a few short years ago....20 in February...Jene Allen entered our lives to become the Step-dad to my 2 children...I do NOT know how the term 'step' got involved with re-marriages and blended families...I for one am not a big fan of that description...

HE LOVES HIS HARLEY more than life itself!!

He is the youngest in his family...some say a spoiled rotten brat....

He was a single dad to 3 very onry boys for nearly 3 yrs...He had NEVER. EVER. been around a little girl.. We quite literally ROCKED their world...we came with, potions and creams and beauty supplies, and magazines, and we didn't like gravy on everything that we ate....they moved in with us...we had one semi-working bathroom, they came with 3 paper routes, one job as county Sheriff with 24-7 calls and 'STUFF', they were rough and tumbled and shot stuff and drove fast, and made huge messes EVERYWHERE, UN-ending laundry, more sports than we could attend...we were book-worms and had cats, we were quite people, they were loud.....

He asked me on a date.....HOLY CRAP  a date ....I  went thinking he was a dirty old man....we had fun...and we kept going on that they were... I was AFRAID to tell me mom...after- all I was nearly 31 years old....we talked and talked and did some kissing...not bad for an OLD guy....then YIKES..he proclaimed he loved me and thought this could all work as ONE family....I stood firm and  declared NOT ON YOUR LIFE  Sheriff....I got the heck out of that relationship  in a HURRY....Silence was not so golden....He was hurt  but alas  he was PERSISTENT...then he felt sorry for me and hired me so I could have 3  jobs to make ends meet and I became his dispatcher....some training was required and equipment was installed in my house....a few awkward moments....and soon we were kissing again....

Loretta insisted on a cake after the wedding, we went on an overnite HONEYMOON to Wichita,  we both had to work on Monday....Moving commenced and LO and BEHOLD I found myself in a big ole busy blended family...

LONG story short.....It had a million rough spots, and bunch of laughter, buckets of tears, hundreds of loads of laundry, a TON and 1/2 of  food, Gallons of Milk and even more gallons of gas...

He really is the very best thing that has come along in my life....

The biggest blessing to me and my heart is that he has ALWAYS treated my children as if they were his own...

My Grandkids have no idea he is NOT their BIOLOGICAL Papa....their love between the 4 of them is palpable, honest, spontaneous, genuine, without time limits and full of hugs and giggles....They all favor him over me  ( SNIFF.. sniff  pout and cry - t0 NO avail)

So my tribute to FATHERS DAY   goes to Mr... A....We love YA

His boys and grandkids think he is tops and so do we.....

Happy DAD's day Papa Jene....

Monday, June 13, 2011

Blogs are so much fun...They are cheap..Free if you don't count the cost of Internet....I have cancelled nearly all of my magazine subscriptions....this place is full of low cost ideas and I love to read, imagine, wish, dream, do, paint, plan, cook, decorate, collect, display, rearrange, organize, drink, read, re-do, spray-paint....what more could a girl ask for...
 I love it that WESTYNN loves to help when we are working on a project....A cuter helper would be hard to find.

We love to eat FUN food when we have a 30th Birthday party.....

I started a blog at the encouragement of a very good friend and a spunky daughter that writes the best blog that should have at least a million followers...then I promptly decided I (we) are beyond boring and NO ONE would read this....Well,, after nearly a million of my own personal 'reads' of other blogs....I am NOT boring.....just lazy....and somewhat techno challenged....I take random photos that mostly suck with a free camera...I THINK alot of cool things...I tackle any number of DIY things, we eat often, party some (as in birthdays )   so I am once again going to try this....


 I love to have the cutest centerpieces for the table...courtesy of Sara and my Christmas garlands....NOTHING is sacred.....

some random ness from, the very boring life of the ALLEN's with a touch of dry humor, some wit, sarcasm, insight and strickly my OWN opinions....It's genetic I have one on nearly EVERYTHING....

I LOVE LOVE LOVE, did I mention I love to make jelly....I would so quit my day job to make jelly....hmmmmmm  I have some for sale.....I REALLY love CAAute jar lids too...

Welcome back to GLORIOUS son went to Ireland and Europe for nearly 18 months and wrote a wonderful GLORIOUS travel blog...that will bring tears to my eyes, and in a post he went to or by or saw a flea market and referred to it as MOM would love all the GLORIOUS JUNKE they have over for a blog that I did not know that I was going to write....

Clink...HERE is to ALL the GLORIOUS Junke that I am sharing with you...