Sunday, September 6, 2015

"Do good Anyway"

I have a few .. on KINDNESS!!

Bless my Mom's dear sweet soul and her heart and all that was righteous and good within her.
No matter what, when, who or where happened to her....she told us as children over and over...DO GOOD ANYWAY... usually followed with "God will have the final word"..As I have grown into a middle aged adult, I would like to think I have taken her advice and used it and good GOLLY is it ever HARD to do!!! Now, mind you my mom's life was not a piece of cake.  She however bloomed where she was planted...and could have been a millionaire, cause she did Pintrest kinds of projects her entire life and never even really knew about the internet....She was always nice and spoke to people and took them towels and ham and beans and all other kinds of things that people told us about after she passed into the next life, that we HAD NO IDEA she even did!!!!She led by example.

So, when I found myself home alone for a 3 day holiday, I decided to leave my humble abode and go shopping.  I had heard about new stores in Garden City.  Garden City is still a 2 hour drive from home, not quite as big as Wichita and they have a TARGET store, and Freddies steak burgers, so I headed WEST young man!!!

My first stop, was at Sherwin Williams, cause we all know they make really great paint, and can match ANYTHING on earth.  The young man there was SO NICE and asked where I was from, because I reminded him of a girl from his home town.  As it turns out he was from Ashland and knows my former Coldwater High School classmate Liz Hensley, he said my hair reminds him of hers.  So we talked football, banking, he was a waiter at one of our bank Chrstmas parties, we did a little name dropping, trying to impress each other with who we knew (quite funny), I showed him my play house and he said I really should be on HGTV ( this is after he looks in his computer and they keep records of all the stuff you buy for 10 years, he said I should have my own discount!!).. He carried out my 3 gallons of paint and gave me my $10.00 coupon on top of the 30% off sale, cause he said it was his pleasure do help me today!!!  BAM  NICE!!!he did GOOD...

Next, I went to TARGET and mind you I looked at EVERY single item in that place and simply tried to soak up all the cute stuff and TRIED to show some restraint from not buying every colored pencil in the aisle, I don't even use colored pencils...I did put several 'beauty supplies' in my red plastic cart, along with more than I needed from the women's clothing department and then those cute booties with fringe practically screamed BUY ME when I walked by....I am no math genius, but I figured I was spending about $100.00 per I headed to the checker outers.... unknown to me... NICE was about to happen!!!I promptly put my reuseable shopping bags on the gray belt, because they give you a 5 cent per bag discount....and I am all about saving money at TARGET!!!...So the sweet little girl running the computer, who I am sure is young enough to be my grandaughter, asked me IF I have the TARGET APP, cause she noticed I have several things from the UP and UP brand, and this app is giving 25% off of all womens clothing today in celebration of LABOR DAY, she also says I see you got the GOOD bologna ( I am not even sure those 2 words should be in the same sentence, but nothing makes baloney better than a fresh tomater).... I replied no because I live WAAAAY too far away from a Target, and I don't get to shop at TARGET very often, ( cause if I did I would be broke and have to have another job!!). Well, in the blink of an eye she whips out her cell phone and uses her app to apply the discount to my purchases, downloads it to my phone and bags all of my purchases at the same time, she saved me a total of $33.00 YES!!.  BAM...NICE...happened again!!!  Now, I am convinced she is way too smart to be working at Target, and I am Convinced her MAMA taught her to DO GOOD ANYWAY... her name was SAYRE ( SAAY-REE)... and my gracious she is going to be beautiful in more ways than one.  I can't wait to shop there again...

Next, I stopped at Home Depot, only to find my beloved spray paint is BEHIND pad-locked gated bars and the poor people at the paint counter were stacked up, cause on a 3 day week-end celebrating LABOR DAY, I guess a lot of people wanted to paint something.  so I was NICE and left without spray paint...

So, then.... I went to WAL-MARTs ( I love it that people still call it that!!), I purchased 25 lbs of  SUGAR, 2 cases of canning jars, cause I have a $5.00 coupon that I won at the fair, and I want to save as much money at the WAL-MARTs as I do at TARGET!!!, a QUART of KILZ paint ( I am sure they will have to RENAME that soon), and 6 containers of silver GLITTER, cause I never want to loose my sparkle.... and SERNANDINO ( pronounced just like it reads, cause I ask how to pronounce it) as he is required to do...asked me  TRUTH!! if I was 18?.. I assured him I was and we both laughed and I thanked him for really asking me and not just ASSUMING that I was no longer a teeny bopper... He sacked my stuff and told me to have a super great day in the accent of his family heritage.  BAM...His mama taught him to be NICE to middle aged ladies at WAL-MARTs on the hottest windy dusty day in the history of this summer.  So I can say I have been carded over a paint, or was it the sugar purchase??? Does this mean the 'bad-guys' are starting to use jars and sugar with glitter...if so THEY aRE CrAzY!!!

My point of this...These kids were are NICE and did not have to be, yet someone taught them to be NICE...and I think that is NICE.

I think it is NICE to have 3 days off from the job that keeps us in health insurance. I think it is NICE to be home alone for a couple of days, we excel with the job of living together when we have a little time a part!!! I think it is NICE to live in my sweet little hometown!! 

This has been a struggle of a year for me to be NICE.. but doing good makes me feel good, somehow slowly, very slowly>>>> it is helping my heart heal, it is making the tears sting a little less, I miss my mom being NICE to me.

Loretta always said.."DO GOOD ANYWAY"!!


1 comment:

  1. Robin, your mom was a VERY nice person, as a young (no pun intended) girl, as a teenager, (where I knew her the best) and as an adult and parent. It is easy for me to see her in you.
