Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Cup Runneth OVER!

On this day of National Traditional Day of Giving Thanks...I too pause and take inventory of the just HOW much I have to be thankful for...

In random order

The two people on earth that call me MOM.
3 precious kids that call me Grandma Robin.
1 Handsome Hubby, that adores me...MOST of the time.
Coca Cola...straight up...ICE cold.
warm fluffy socks.
Electric Blanky on HIGH ( till march or april )
A place of employment that provides health insurance.
the fact that I am employed in this economy.
My good health.
Hubbies fairly good health.
Eye doctors. Several choices of corrective eyewear... I am not going blind -- ugly!!
A mom that loved and taught me so much that is practical in such small ways that make my world go around..
The Good Lord and his amazing patience with me.
Antiques, REading, sewing, flowers, junk, fabric, dishes ( eww that all sounds so material)..I love it all for now...I know my treasures are truly in heaven...
my church family...
MY Bible ( that if full of extra stuff and written in and underlined and wearing out on the edges...Pink and I know where to find what I am looking for in it...)
Coldwater.... and the fact that I KNOW nearly everyone....and something about everyone that 'connects' me to them...I know handwriting ( or the lack of good penmanship in 3 counties) MY place to call home.
An elderly man that kept our parks in tip top shape till his health no longer allows it...simply because he loved for the parks to look nice for people to use....
I love that 'traffic' slows nearly to a crawl behind a mentally challenged boy that rides a bike to and from work...we all don't want him to get hurt,, we wait and drive slower....
I love it that 2 men in town remove their hats EVERY single time they enter a building....
I love to hear my hubby SAY my name or call me by MY name...It doesn't happen very often..
I am thankful that my Grandkids have 3 papa's and they don't know one of them is not blood relation at all....
Eternally thankful for all things current: running water, electricity, sewer, gas service, autos and grocery stores.....
I am very thankful for my friends that can cry with me...and we are ok with that...I am thankful to share their burdens and pray daily for them....

Of course I could go on and on and on....

I am guilty of taking all of this for granted every single day...
I get grumpy, tired, frustrated, lonely, mad, sad, happy, sleepy, hungry, I am VERY human in my daily business of life....

I know better....God does not take to us not appreciating what he has blessed us with and I am a firm believer in being a good steward....

So having said all of that on the FULLEST belly of some of the best darn food in the county...

I say thank YOU for being a part of my life....

Blessed my you my loves....My quiver is full indeed!



  1. Thank you so much for this post, Robin, I enjoyed reading it all! Thank you for being my friend. :) God bless!

  2. We should commit to considering thankfulness at least monthly, shouldn't we?? What a great list of thanks!! Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday! Be blessed!

  3. i just started
    a gratitude journal
    after reading 1000 Gifts
    and it's truly helping me
    be more thankful

    now following you
    via GFC and Linky Followers
    and hope you'll take a moment
    to visit me too!

