Why do we live all year for our annual vacation time away from the daily grind of the job we are all supposed to be so thankful to have....hmmm I do not have an answer for that.. BUTTTT I do have a few thoughts on it....
We spend SO much time with our co-workers...more than with our families...we get caught up in their drama, struggles, moods, delights, kids, grand kids, activities, religious beliefs, you name it...we can not escape them....at times this wears me out and drives me to the brink of exhaustion and very near depression.....
In a small town, you can NOT help but know STUFF about people....I have often said IF i did not KNOW so much about people it would be easier to like them.
Sometimes in the work-place ALL is not FAIR...much like life....
So much of WHO we are and what people expect of us is SOOO wrapped up in our actions and decisions made while on the job....Am I worthy, smart, pretty, capable, patient etc etc... enough for all the demands that are made of me on a daily basis....
Working for the public, you are exposed to the best and the worst of people, they smell, they cough on you, they don't clean their fingernails, they talk on the dreaded cell phone while conducting their business without EVER really speaking to YOU, they tell you all their medical problems, their joys and their fears....sometimes it simply is T M I I tell ya...
Men are way OVER-PAID and WOMEN do ALL the 'running' of nearly every business....yet Good Ole boys seem to rule....and Old MEN are GRUMPIER than old women....plus they are just grodie....
Some of us work to simply be able to afford Health Insurance....
Some of us have more than one job...some have spouses that have lost a job, or can't maintain employment, or work ALL. THE. TIME.
I wish I did not HAVE to go to work...I am never bored.... I have too many interests...but since most of them involve money in one form or another....I guess I will continue living for these few short days of complete bliss and quiet and reading, and praying, and sitting on the deck, not setting the alarm clock that has been flashing for over a week, I wake up at 5 every morning anyway, not cooking, cleaning my treasures, playing in the dirt, generally avoiding all public appearances, just being thankful for ALLL that I am truly blessed with..playing with grandkids, put on a Happy Face and Get myself back to work bright and early in the morning....
The GOOD NEWS...I still have 5 more days of vacation left....My one EXTRA benefit f working someplace going on 19 yrs....I EARN 3 weeks of paid vacation....WaHOOOO
I am working on the attitude....of being grateful for my job....it is a struggle more now than it EVER has been....
So for right now I am going to CHERISH deep in my soul the next few hours.....
How may I help You????